Mullard CV4004

I'm thinking upgrade de stock 12AX7 of my Primaluna Two for two Mullards CV4004. I would like to know opinions about these tubes.

Pure garbage! These are modern [mid-1980's] tubes, not NOS tubes. White boxes and no Mullard name on the tube. Stay away!
I use Mullard CV4004s in the phono section of my VTL tl5.5 and like them just fine. They are a big improvement from the Sovtek 12ax7s that were in there when I got it. The Mullards are quiet and have a nice full mid range and a smooth top end. I used to use them in the line stage but I found I like early '60s Tung Sol (American) grey plates 12ax7s better. My preference in general as been for early 60s American tubes to the "CV" Mullards and 60s Telefunkens I have tried.
Thanks Kehut

Please.. which are the that you comment "old 1950's RCA/Tung Sol Black plate's" in this page ?

And.. Where can I get Sylvania Labeled CONN 12AU7 ?
