MServer/corrupt files?

Need help fellas. Just set up system after 4 year absence. I have Aurender server, mbs Dac. First I get error message, software way outdated can’t play music, was at (5.10) current version is (5.18). Perform update, and start playing music, multiple songs come out crackling and hissing. But, some songs do play. Seems like hirez songs are the ones affected and 16/44 are okay. Before I throw aurender out window, anyone have suggestions what’s going on? System worked great before we tore it down. Thanks so much for help. 
I contacted aurender and their first response was to do a hard on/off.  And check the Dac firmware- which I will do.  I will ask specifically for the remote support. Thanks 
I’m guessing if anything else was wrong no files would play? 
Why not ask for a "Remote Support Request"? Aurender will log into your device and run the files you have a problem with.