MSB Link Dac 3- have modded or go Benchmark ?or?

I am looking for advise.Should I send my MSB Link Dac III out and have it modded.Modwright or who?I hope to get a response from someone who has a modded MSB Link III.Mine has the upsample option and P1000 power supply.Also I hope to get a response from members that had a MSB and went to something they liked better.No mega buck solutions please.I could invest a max of $1500 on a used unit.However if a $500 upgrade mod would be a giant leap (at least more than a small step)foward for the unit I already have, I would be interested.Or do you think I am just throwing good money after bad. Thanks,gixerman

I'm in the same quandry. Was the upsample option and the p1000 worth the investment and how did they change/improve the sound? Matt.......
Matt,The power base added more bottom end and made my rig sound more dynamic.Kind of like the dif. between a 25w amp compaired to say a 50w amp.At any rate it sounded more powerful(not louder).As for the upsample option,I feel it ads some detail and sounds transparent.I also use a Monarchy Audio jitter bug(not a fishing lure).This seem to me as making the sound a bit smoother and more"analog like". These pieces go reasonable used and for three or four hundred$$ on the used market. In IMHO would be a worth while investment.If you don"t like it you will be able to resell the units and loss very little if anything.Thanks,Gixerman
I don't know if he even mods the MSB, but I'd get in touch with Paul at Tube Research Labs (TRL). He modded my cd player and the difference was stunning. I know he does DAC's also and most(if not all)people are very happy with the work he's done.

He's also pretty honest. I had a different player that I was going to send to him and he said "I'll do it if you want, but honestly we haven't been happy with the results we're getting with that one".

Plus they have a money back guarentee!
Ooohhppss,Sorry about the mistatement in my earlier post.The Monarchy Audio is a D.I.P. not a jitter bug.
Gixerman, I just posted to your other thread before I saw this one (read it and you'll see why ;^)

Anyway, I once tried an MSB Gold Link w/P1000, with my Monarchy DIP and fed from a Theta Pearl. The Gold Link is of course MSB's own "modded" Link III, the top iteration of that model. The reference for comparison was my Theta DSPro Basic IIIa (a more expensive unit when it was new, but also older, non-upsampling, and available today used for under $1K). The Gold Link did not suit my preferences and I resold it (I still have the Theta). More importantly for you than my preferences though, I did an objective test of reproduction accuracy which you can read about here. The results could suggest, in combination with your system and wants from the other thread, that you may be better off going in a different direction.
Thanks Gixerman. I purchased a used p1000 here on Audiogon for $2oo and am waiting for it to arrive. Matt....
I had both. I had an MSB 111 with the Channel Island mods and Channel Islands HC2 upgraded power supply, which made the MSB equivalent to the MSB Half Nelson. When I got the Benchmark DAC1, the Benchmark was so far superior that I sold the MSB shortly therafter. It was simply no contest.
modd the link dac ,i did with dan and replaced the p1000 power with monolithic power modded,im running the network card so i can run it balanced to my cd player,it blows away alot get it fully modded from dan ,you will keep it for ever,also revelation makes the power cord for the dac and monolithic ,a must have,ialso have a tara labs air one power cord running it,with tara labs the one ism balanced ,and tara labs air 1 rca running to preamp..i wont replace for a while
Thanks Bbaxley2 for your response.I have decided to do my own mod on the Link Dac and I am building a DC(battery)power supply.This thing is going to be killer.I will keep everyone posted.
I have studied the power supply circuit extensively and come up with my own plan.The mods for the Dac are posted on into the DIY/Tweeks section.Type MSB LINK DAC in the search bar.Lots of info,op amp options,capicators to upgrade,brands of replacement parts to use ,ect... Also see Dan's site at himself owns a modded Link Dac III.And as for the info about a battery power supply.Comes from my own mind.Desire+Ingenuity+Carefull Planning,Research and study.The power supply is not that complicated in this unit.I could explain it in more detail,but the information is easy to access.Start at
I do hope to purchase a revelation imbilical cord.I will then terminate the one end into my BAT P.S.Two other added pluses of going to a battery power supply is no need of an expensive ac power cord or the need to condition the ac for the dac.