MQA decoding and CD ripping

I'd like to know what options might be available  for ripping my CD collection to a server/hard drive, as well as gaining the ability to fully decode (as opposed to rendering) MQA files from Tidal, etc. I'm thinking I will replace my front end with 2 pieces that will allow me to stream, rip CD's, and play my vinyl, so a phono preamp would be helpful. I have a 2.1 system and run my Blu-Ray and Dish through it, so HDMI with video pass through would be nice, but not essential. Have been looking at the NAD Masters series, as well as Mytek Brooklyn as options. Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by uberwaltz

One box solution exists for the cd ripping and streaming.
Bluesound Vault 2
Rips cds to its internal 2tb harddrive
Streams Tidal direct and many other services and has built in mqa decoding.
Might not be the last word in sq but as far as everything in one box it is hard to beat especially at 1199 brand new.
Bluesound customer support is very good to boot.
I use one and an Exogal Comet Plus dac/pre to handle the rest of my chores.
I feed bluray via HDMI from player to tv, then toslink back from tv to Comet for sound, works pretty well for me.
Yes still need a phono pre so makes 3 boxes not 2