MQA Declares Bankruptcy,the%20US%20and%20other%20countries.


The financials are eye-opening. Annual revenue never exceeded £700,000 while administrative expenses exceeded £4,000,000 for 2020 and 2021!

Does anyone think Bob Stuart took this much money out of the company?

Wow. So MQA has become another Dolby FM technology. But then, many in the industry thought MQA was a scam.


Showing 3 responses by tunefuldude

@yoyoyaya Sounds like you are correct.

Would be interesting to hear people's thoughts around here, on how our current economic situation has and is affecting companies involved in providing both the equipment and the (streaming) services that are so intimately tied to our hobby.

Not sure how in tune some of you guys are w/ the economic situation going on right now.

Someone mentioned that their investor's funds dried up.

This kind of sounds, to me, like MQA got caught up in the liquidity crisis.

I'm certainly not an economist, but I actually began informally studying economics about the time the pandemic started to unfold because I am a small business owner.

Would love to hear if anyone else smells something similar ...