MQA Declares Bankruptcy,the%20US%20and%20other%20countries.


The financials are eye-opening. Annual revenue never exceeded £700,000 while administrative expenses exceeded £4,000,000 for 2020 and 2021!

Does anyone think Bob Stuart took this much money out of the company?

Wow. So MQA has become another Dolby FM technology. But then, many in the industry thought MQA was a scam.


Showing 1 response by mirolab

What’s the point of Hi-res anyway, when most music is compressed to less than 10dB of dynamic range anyway!! It’s appalling how even vintage recordings are treated. And as for new music.... much of it that I like very much, is crushed and clipped and compressed so that little breath remains between the peaks. Just import the audio into any waveform editor and what you’ll see does NOT look like real music.  I never found MQA to sound any better, only mildly different.  

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