Is anyone actually cross shopping a Lenbrook product with a non-Lenbrook product now filled with anxiety for FOMO if they choose a different product? For most who frequent this forum, I would sibmit this isn’t a thing. For those who wish to remain true to the source, that ship sailed when the wax cylinder was introduced, never to return. Recorded sound is a facsimile, one we all enjoy to varying degrees, but a facsimile nonetheless. Enjoy the music in whatever way pleases you.
Just received the below article in my Google links:
initial gut reaction was something along the lines of "oh for crying out loud, leave it alone, this isn’t needed". They state their mission is to rival Qobuz and Tidal.
I’m not sure there’s enough room in the marketplace, what with Qobuz, Tidal (post-MQA), Spotify, Amazon etc; but who knows. That's without even getting into the whole MQA debacle