Mozart Sym 41:reviews/opinions

I know that Tsquare started a thread on 12-19-01. Time for another thread on this great composition. For the longest time I placed the Bruno Walter/Columbia at top of list. Then I saw folks voting big on Klemperer/Philharmonia, which, from memory, I had issues with that recording. Recently I compared the 2 and seems that Klemperer takes all 4 movements a tad faster, which is a more enjoyable listening. The first movement is of tempo Allegro VIVACE, Walter's is way overcareful in execution. Especially Walter's 3rd movement is slow. Orchestras are close in quality, as well recording quality are excellent. Mackerras' recording is not that good for room acoustics, engineering, and the orchestra is OK. Mackerras tempos are good, except the 3rd movement clips along in a mechanical fashion. But I really enjoythe tempo in his 1st and 4th movement. All these recordings are recommendable. But the one I found to be exceptional in all areas,conducting,orchestra,tempo,sound quality, is from conductor James Levine. He has 2 recordings of the 40th and 41st. 40+41/Vienna P.O./DG label and 40+41/Chicago S.O./RCA label. The Chicago's 41st last movement is just spectatular! The one thing most important in the 41st is the tempo of the 2nd and especially the 3rd movement. Both orchestras move along with excellent execution. I definetly need more time to review these 2 with the Klemperer. All 3 are highly recommendable. Walter's is out of print, and a tad too careful=slow. The Mackerras' orchestra is a bit weak(wobbly) in the strings, and recording is steely,cold, echo-like. Levine really understands Mozart. The only other recording I have of his is the Sibelius Sym 2/Berlin/DG, not recommendable, and is out of print.

Showing 2 responses by megasam

Well picking up where we left off on previous thread, I have not heard the Levine/DG you mention but because it is full orchestra recording I "suspect" it will not be one of my favorites although I have mentioned that Bernstein/DG acheives good results for me with his VPO recording. I agree with your findings on stereo Walter/CSO being too relaxed, which is probably why Sony is now using mono Walter/NYPO in catalog.

Two recordings I have not heard or owned but suspect I would like are the Pinnock/Archiv and Gardiner/Phillips again both recordings with small groups. Gardiner has shown his versitility with great Beethoven and Schumann sets but Pinnock tends to specialize in baroque material so to be successful here he will have to unbutton his collar a bit............anyone want to comment on the Gardiner of Pinnock recordings?
True to my previous mentioned preferences for small group performances I picked up complete set of Pinnock/Archiv Mozart symphonies. Haven't had time to go through entire set but these have very vivid recordings using period instruments that are energetic/lively but flow nicely. Paid $62 for new complete 11 CD set.

Speaking of Szell/Sony I would like to pick up his 35,40,41
CD (I think I will), I hear Sony sound is very good for 40 year old recording. (don't have SACD player)