Mozart's Requiem- Best recording on CD

I'm looking for an excellant recording of Mozart's Requiem on CD. There are tons of available, but which ones are recorded well? Any recommendations?

Showing 2 responses by megasam

At full price on Harmonia Mundi label we have Herreweghe using "period instruments", 2nd choice here probably is Gardiner on Phillips. At budget level Hickox on Virgin Ultraviolet label is probably best value, performance also near best available.......Karajan fans also like his 1987 digital performance on DG Gold label........I would go for Hickox/Virgin as best choice sound/performance/cost, Sam
All the above mentioned, and most recordings use the Sussmayr edition..........Hogwood uses Maunder edition, and Norrington uses Druce edition......for those who like Mozart cantatas you must own Exultate Jubilate and other assorted works on Oiseau-Lyre label 411 832-2 Hogwood/Emma Kirkby/Westminster boys choir, demonstration class sound