Moving up from Cardas Clear

I'm looking for opinions on where to go next from the Cardas Clear cable line. I've got a Meridian MS600/MD600 source (streaming audio), Simaudio P-8/W-8 amplification and Revel Studio 2 speakers. Cabling is all Cardas Clear, including power cords. I'm looking for something equally rich as the Cardas but with a tad more speed, dynamics and excitement.

Any suggestions?

Showing 3 responses by kernelbob

What's your budget for ICs and powercords? Without cost constraint, for powercords, I'd recommend the Masterbuilt Signatures. For interconnects, the Masterbuilt Ultras (by far).
The prices on the MG Signatures I saw were $6200 for the power cords (6 ft), $3500/$4250 for RCA/XLR interconnects, and $6000 for 8 foot biwire speaker cables. These were as of early 2012.

I got a chance to audition the prototype of the new Masterbuilt Ultra Extreme interconnects-- Delphi loaned me a prototype of the Ultra 2 meter XLR set at Axpona. The production version of these will be unchanged except possibly the external color. The projected price on the Ultras is $8k & $10k for one meter RCAs & XLRs with two meter XLRs at $12k.
Camb, I've submitted a review of the Ultras (not yet approved & posted). I have to say that I wasn't prepared for the improvement the Ultras made and that was just with insterting just one pair of two meter XLRs. I sent them back in late April and I still greatly miss them. The review will go into more detail.