Moving up from a Node 2i

I want to keep it between 1K and 1500.00, closer to a grand if at all possible. I don't care about onboard DACs, since I have a keen liking for mine. What is out there for a streamer, new or used, that will sound better than the Node when outputting to an external DAC? I like the functionality of the Node, don't want something with a sketchy user interface. But honestly, I think my old Allo Digione (Raspberry Pi) might have sounded a little more organic and fleshed out than the Node.

What say ye, Audiogon?



Showing 1 response by stevehuff

I have a Lumin U1 Mini and a Node 2i here used as a streamer into a Chord Qutest. I also used to own a Zen Mini MKIII. All three sound exactly the same used as a streamer. No difference. The DAC makes the difference much more than any transport/streamer IME. It's the interface above all else that makes the difference between these brands. I use Roon, and again, no sound (for me) difference between going from a Lumin U1 mini or Node 2i into my DAC. Amp used is a Pass Labs INT-25, Nordost cables. Oh and I also have a dedicated room for audio only.