Moving tube equipment

I will be relocating some tube based amps soon. Since I'm doing the packing and driving (about an hour and 15 minutes) any thoughts on just leaving the tubes intact and packing carefully so the units cannot shift.  After unpacking just check to make the tubes are still properly seated.  The amps are not auto biased so having the right tube in the correct socket matters.  Yes I'm just being lazy and would rather not pull the tubes and mark etc....
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Showing 1 response by ndevamp

Travel with them in the amp. My experience is they should be re-biased when you get to the new location. Over time tubes settle in an expansion-contraction pattern when you switch them on and off and rattling them during the move disturbs that slightly. Some lint inside the tube structure might dislodge and cause the tube to operate with slightly different bias settings. For guitar amps the tubes have settled into their life with the angry musician and their partner and don't need as much attention.