Moving speakers from downstairs to upstairs, degrading ?

Hi ev1, HOW MUCH will I be expecting the sound quality be degrading if moving my Floorstanding SF Elipsa SE from downstairs (carpet on top hard cement slap) to upstairs 2nd floor (carpet on top of particle board). Thank you

Showing 1 response by rixthetrick

Nasaman, I agree with simonmoon. I would suggest using something of as much mass under a isolation system as you can. The reason I say this is because the inertia in the mass under the loaded isolation system you may choose to employ, will help mitigate the joists or bearers if you will from absorbing energy.

The vibration will take the easiest path to dissipate, you might try Townshend for example, or Isoacoustics, or like myself springs on a very solid steel stand (mine are standmounts). Sprung steel is still one of the very best vibration isolators, used in all sorts of vehicles for that very capacity, Worldwide.

Whatever you choose, try putting some mass under your suspension system above your now mass loaded flooring to use it’s inertia to your advantage.