moving on from Emotiva UMC-200 pre/processor

I like this Emotiva unit, but got it just before deciding to upgrade almost everything in my system. I can still return it tho and am now hoping to setup the two front channels as follows:

Thiel CS2.7 (or something just as transparent if I find it)
Amp to match the Thiels (Pass Labs x-150, Peachtree 220, suggestions?)

I realize it's a pretty open ended question, but can someone suggest other 7+ multi channel pre/processors to match the above hypothetical system?


Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

Emotiva *finally* released their XMC-1 preprocessor. It lists for $1995. However, because you purchased a UMC-200, you are eligible for a 25% discount, making your cost $1495. There is nothing anywhere near that price that compares. Take a look here:
