Moving from SS to tube system

Could someone recommend a pair of monoblock tube? I need to upgrade my system to get better soundstage. I allocate my system budget of about 2000 for a pair of pre-owned monoblock tube. I don't really need monoblock but I though might as well going with something for the long run.

The following are advertised on Audiogon that I am considering:

Rogue Magnum M120 (I heard they can be noisy and hot)
Quad II - Forty amp (A little low in power)
Audio Research Classic M100 (Age could be a problem)
VTL Delux 140 (Age)

These are just a few. I need decent power with at least 60W or more since I am also looking to purchase a full range pair of speakers.
I would add the AES Six Pac's mono blocs to your list. New "stock" ones are $2400, used they are in your range. 50 watts triode.

I would second the BAT. I have had great success with the Rogues. They are NOT noisy but will run hot.
I don't know what speakers I have in mind yet but I will be spending around 3k and would consider used.

For about 5k, what would you recommend as a tube amp + speaker combo? I need something that will give me a nice soundstage.

MattyBumpkin and Jond: I heard the Cary (which is parent of AES) tends to be "dull" or very soft on the treble which is kind of a turn off for me.
Is it true?
Question for Ken (Triodeuser). I'm trying out a small single ended amp with a 93db Fostex based speaker. There IS something magic about the combo, especially in the midrange with voices and acoustic stuff. The amp is a SEP not SET. Do you think there's much difference? I'd welcome anybody else's opinions also. Thanks