Moving from PSB Stratus to Synchrony ... questions

I simply LOVE the positive aspects of my Stratus Silver "i" mains , but figure speaker technology has long passed me by. The things I love about the Stratus series are HUGE soundstage and precise imaging, lifelike drum sounds, and the ability to play AWESOMELY loud without sounding strained ... ever.
Anyone who has made teh switch to the newer Synchrony series, I have a question for you .... What if anything do you give up ?

Showing 2 responses by skipper320

I also own a pair of Stratus Gold i's.
I was looking at "upgrading" to the synchrony line.
I must say was also underwhelmed. Their soundstage and bass response was not quite on par with the gold i's. I would say the midband was about equal, but I felt the synchrony's were not quite as coherent as the gold i's. Imho, the drivers on the golds seem more integrated and complement each other better than on the synchrony's. Long story short, I am keeping my beloved Stratus Gold i's
BTW, I demoed a friends synchrony's in my sytem in my house.There were no variables when comparing the two speakers. Same TT, amp, cabling, etc
I should have stated that in my preference to the Gold i's is that my listening area is a rather large 20x28. In that size room, I thought the golds did a better job. The Synchrony's may be better in a smaller room, but I had them in this large room so I feel unqualified to comment on their sound in a smaller environment
Happy Listening all!!