Moving across country with over 1000 LP's

Hi guys and gals-I am contemplating moving to Arizona in the near future from NJ and wanted to get your suggestions on how to make sure the move isnt traumatic to the over 1000 LPs. Is there any way movers can prevent warpage of the records? Just was wondering if any moving companies have temperature-controlled vans. The temperature as you get out west in the summer can reach 112 or more and I'm sure it's even hotter inside a moving van. Anyone with experience in this? Many of the LP's I have are collectors items and I'd sure hate to see them ruined. Thanking you in advance!-Mrmitch

Showing 1 response by paul2240

I guess the bigger question is why on earth would you move to Arizona???

OK, just kidding (sort of). I have moved and stored LPs more times than I can count. Good boxes, tightly packed is the key.