Moved from medium attic like room to larger room, everything is too bright

Hi guys, I moved my set up from a bonus room over the garage with slanted walls to our converted media room - which is the old garage. The room is about 450 ft.² with 10.5 feet ceilings. And four large windows. The good news is that I was persuaded to use cryogenically treated Romex directly from the electrical cabinet to the stereo. Which is great… Except I think the size of the room is making music seem brighter and more echoey.

I have a Hegel H390 streaming from a lumen T2. The speakers are KLH model 5 with 2 REL T/7x subs. Played a lot with speaker and sub placement but I think the problem is the volume of the room.

The room is double walled with amazing insulation plus ceiling insulation so that is not the problem. Plus we have area rugs over the hardwood.

I realize that my weakest element in the system is the speakers. So the question is should I save to replace the KLH speakers? And what speakers would work?

Thanks so much, Nadine



Showing 5 responses by atanarjuat99

@ieales Thanks for the offer to plug the numbers into the loudspeaker calculator. I did it myself. Actually I was pretty close to its suggestions already - after following advice of audiogon discussion members. It suggestion for the subs was not entirely practical (re tv position) but I am close and everything is sounding way better. Thanks again. 

@erik_squires You are probably right. I am in denial because I know that my partner will not tolerate further room changes... 😑. Thanks, Nadine

To everyone who wrote to me about this issue. HUGE thanks. Very grateful and plan to implement many of the (most doable) changes including rug pads and more art. Special thanks to @bobpyle who introduced the psychological element. Funny because by the time I had written the post and listened for a couple more hours, I was already appreciating new frequencies that had been missing in my old set up.

Also thanks to @gdnrbob who confirmed what I know: the speakers could be upgraded.

If any of you know of speakers that are not over about $600USD ($9000 CDN) that work well in a large room, let me know. 

Thanks again, Nadine

@rwbadley okay I turned up the crossover point on the subs (also mentioned by @erik_squires), moved the speakers closer to the wall (they were over a meter away) and positioned the subs as recommended. Difference is night and day. Actually quite happy now. 
just a word on the KLH model 5s … they actually sound as good to me overall as much more expensive speakers that I previously auditioned. In this case, their placement was wrong. 
thanks again. 

@ieales Totally agree that the Mid HF should be set to low. Fair question about the selection of components. Let me start with: this is the first genuine stereo I have set up since grad school when I bought mission speakers and a Harman Kardon amp at a big sale. So started with total ignorance.

I read online reviews of speakers and bought the KLH model 5s without listening - before buying any other component.  I did audition the Hegel H390 at a stereo store. I had gone in with the intention of buying the H190 but the H390 was so much less lively (in a good way) and also quiet that I sprang for the latter. When I started listening, I really missed the bass that had come through better in the stereo store with the JBL 100s so added the REL subs. Which were a huge improvement. The Lumin T2 was the result of reading other posts about streamers which paired well with the Hegel. No regrets vis a vis the Hegel, subs or Lumin (the DAC is head and shoulders above that of the Hegel H390). Speaker cables as well as power and ethernet are all from audiosensibility in Toronto. 

I have put the subs in the corner now and the listening sofa is mid room (with no wall behind).

Apologies for the very long response ! I am open to speaker suggestions for this particular set up and room. Not in a hurry to upgrade but it is on my radar.