Most Tedius Part of Audiodom Setup/Tweak/DIY ?

Hi, guys,

the moment we audiophiles step foot (feet for those who JUMP in) into the madness called high-end audio, we are bound to become more and more hands-on kind of people, for various reasons.

The level of hands-on experience can range from the common excercises like speaker placement or feet replacement for electronics to building one's own amps or speaker cabinets.

While the successful execution of any of these "labor of love" will put smile on our faces, the labor itself can be boring, time consuming, dangerous (!), and/or sometimes downright difficult.

What do you feel has been the most memorably painful/tedious experience as hands-on audiophiles?

Thank you,


Showing 3 responses by sean

All of the following can be a REAL bear in my experience in no specific order:

1) assembling very tall threaded rod racks with quite a few shelves. MAN, that is a LOT of spinning and tightening of nuts & washers, etc...

2) Installing / routing / relocating a large system, i.e. a big HT system with two million cables can really have you pulling your hair out and speaking French ( "PARDON my French"...).

3) Speaker placement. Need i say more ??? Probably the most elusive "fine art".

4) TT set up. Not just setting up the cartridge but making sure that it is DEAD level, well isolated, etc... Kind of fun and a challenge though...

5) Trying to track down and correct room resonances, rattles, flexing in suspended floors, etc... Just as you get one situation straightened out, you can now hear or notice other things that seem to become just as annoying or bothersome.

6) Trying to install a system for someone that is not well versed in the fine art of "tweaking" i.e. a non-audiophile or beginner. They just don't understand what you're doing or how it will help. Especially the part about "why are the speakers out there" or "why are you moving the speakers SO much"... That is, until they hear the end results.

Sheesh, after all of that, do i REALLY enjoy all of this or am i just a glutton for punishment ??? : ) Sean
WOW !!!! Tom, whether or not your "electrical surgery" made a difference ( and i bet it did ), you are to be applauded just for having the guts to initiate let alone tackle such a major project. Now all you need to do is to have Sol322 stop by and carefully clean and prune all those connections : )

I wish that i had the fortitude to get things done like that. I've got SO many projects backed up right now. Then again, if i got off the puter once in a while... : ) Sean
Kelly ( aka Cornfed ), out of curiosity, what arm are you using ? If it is what i think it is, it is already somewhat "fiddly" to start off with. I think that i've got the same arm on one of my tables. If it is, u and me need to "hook up" via email. I need some edukatin' on the in's and out's. Sean