Most Tedius Part of Audiodom Setup/Tweak/DIY ?

Hi, guys,

the moment we audiophiles step foot (feet for those who JUMP in) into the madness called high-end audio, we are bound to become more and more hands-on kind of people, for various reasons.

The level of hands-on experience can range from the common excercises like speaker placement or feet replacement for electronics to building one's own amps or speaker cabinets.

While the successful execution of any of these "labor of love" will put smile on our faces, the labor itself can be boring, time consuming, dangerous (!), and/or sometimes downright difficult.

What do you feel has been the most memorably painful/tedious experience as hands-on audiophiles?

Thank you,


Showing 1 response by gregm

Speaker placement & equipment support. As I'm not a builder unlike Bob above, tuning the equip through supports has always been the worst. Move a cone and the sound shifts, add mass, and there it goes again. Not better or worse, just different. Then move the speakers to adjust to the new tuning, then back again... ad nauseam. Add to that my laziness in such matters, and the result is mega tedium.

During such (rare nowadays) tweaking sessions I usually just give up half way and listen to the music...!
