Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.

Why?  Because acoustical treatments presented are in virtually empty rooms. Unrealistic.

my rooms have furniture and clutter.  These rooms don’t really have a need for treatment.  It’s snake oil, voodoo science.  
So why is accoustical panels gonna help?  No one can answer this, most have no clue.

Showing 7 responses by glupson


I am not accusing you of anything. Even less of psychosis. Never said it, never meant it. And even then, it could not be accusation. Short of taking some hallucinogenic drugs, people do not get psychotic by intent. Why you found yourself in my general observation is not known to me.

As you, as everyone else, frequently strays from strictly audio-related topic I responded to that Carlo quote which hardly has anything to do with betterment of any sound anywhere. I also stand behind my worry that too much creativity may be a sign of other issues. Art history is full of very creative people who did not do well in the long run.

See this...

"The pleasure to bash others is not worth anything at all indeed..."

It would be true only if the person stating it (let's say it is you this time) is someone whose statements are not allowed to be scrutinized. Dogma, religion, whatever absolute power one may call it. At the same time, most of the world does not care what your, or mine, opinion is. That does  not mean they are wrong. That means that thinking that someone's way of obtaining pleasure is not worth anything is nothing but an arrogant statement bashing other people. That is why Carlo lost credibility. Even if one gets pleasure of bashing others, it is worth it. Not to you or me, but to the person getting that pleasure. In fact, it has been a while since I have read a statement quoted that was so wrong as this one you mentioned.

I notice you read a lot, but I also notice you do not read critically that much. I may be wrong, but that is how it looks from the side. Just because someone wrote something, does not make it correct. In this example, Carlo is actually not worth considering reading. In my opinion, not in universal opinion.

Creativity is really a great thing to have and you might have not understood my point completely. Creativity that gets self-indulgent ocassionally ends up being recognized as a psychosis, bipolar disorder, or what not. Moderation is the key.
"He define stupidity bash others without gaining anything for himself in the process even at the price of losing his own credibility ...Except the pleasure to do it....."

I have not read that book, but assuming that above description is correct, Carlo lost all the credibility. One could even say that he lost credibility by bashing those who are seeking pleasure.

"Without gaining anything for himself...except the pleasure to do it..." Carlo arrogantly decided that one’s pleasure is worthless "nothing". He has never heard of hobbies, passion, love, dedication, or a few more like that?
Creativity is a great thing to have. It becomes trickier when we get carried away by our creativity and do not notice that we have gone too far into some not-so-healthy state of mind. Others usually notice, though.

Figuring where the line between two is may sometimes be harder than pretending.
The like to pull up to the mall and their 2 wheeled extension of their manhood and say “look at me”.

Kind of like putting "Ducati" in their name on an audiophile website?
"My room settings are now so good that all my 7 headphones are not on the level of the room on any count..."

Time to buy better headphones?
"my rooms have furniture and clutter."

Why do you assume that my room is cluttered?

(It is not)