Most resolving, transparent amps.

What has your experience been in amplifiers?

The most transparent, detailed amps you've encountered.
I like to hear everything that's going on and follow the different lines and instruments but it does need to come together musically.
Dead quiet, black background, dimesnional, layered, imaging, open, extended top end - all qualities of top amps, I think. Let the music come through as it was put on the disc - no editorializing.

What have you found?

Showing 1 response by tgrisham

I define transparency as a simple increase in gain from the source to the speakers. The magic is translating the medium, be it analog or digital, into electrical signals and sending them to the transducers, be they boxes or electrostats. My Bel Canto M300s are not perfect. They will not transform bad digital sources into music, nor correct bad recordings or mixes or pressings. What they will do is translate very accurately the source to the speaker. The problem can be with the source and source material. If it is well recorded, well mixed and well pressed, the Bel Cantos are excellent at presenting it. This assumes that the speakers match and there is synergy with the pre-amplifier. If the source has faults, the Bel Cantos will display them. If you believe even-ordered harmonics bring to life true music, then you need a tube pre-amp or a tubed amp. The Bel Cantos are very real and transparent, warts and all. With my tubed output CDP, and vinyl LPs, I have real music. They are life-like and transparent. I recommend that you try them out and see for yourself, before you take my word or the words of anyone else.