Most resolving, transparent amps.

What has your experience been in amplifiers?

The most transparent, detailed amps you've encountered.
I like to hear everything that's going on and follow the different lines and instruments but it does need to come together musically.
Dead quiet, black background, dimesnional, layered, imaging, open, extended top end - all qualities of top amps, I think. Let the music come through as it was put on the disc - no editorializing.

What have you found?

Showing 3 responses by pubul57

Based on what others have told me, Atmasphere. Based on what I have heard, CAT JL2s.
Do great recordings sound better on systems that make bad CDs really terrible, or those on which they to sound decent? I ezpect the answer leads to two types of systems.
Muralman1, I agree. It is why I have a "transparent" setup, and a "musicality" setup. The easiest wat to do that I think is neutrality throughout, and "voicing" with a preamp.