Most reliable equipment manufacturers

I would like to know people's opinions as to which are the mist reliable manufacturers. In my book, reliability means: first and foremost, reliable and continued performance of the equipment over an extended period of time, but it also includes quality of workmanship, manuals/ease of use/design, shipping materials, upgradeability, customer service, choice of dealers, etc. For instance, in my experience I give Thiel an A rating, Sony a C.

Showing 1 response by lagstramarfc28

If you include after sale service as part of the reliability equation, my absolute worst is Classé Audio. I DARE ANYONE OF YOU to give them a call and try to talk to anyone about a technical or other person. Last time I phoned, they told me they were too busy selling worldwide and would get back to me within 3 weeks, (no kidding). On the other hand, give Cary a call and you will end end speaking with Kirk within seconds, or Bel Canto or many other high-end who beleive the sale doesnt end after you leave the store. Worst is, I live about 100 miles from Classe, might as well be on the MOON (seaking of Moon, Sim Audio is much better). These guys at Classé have absolutely no-respect. I wil NEVER buy Classe again, no matter haw good the gear is. That's that.