Most "Accurate/Realistic" Sounding Speakers?

I am a major audio enthusiast and I was listening to some live, non amplified acoustic jazz and I could not help but wonder what speaker sounds that "live"? To me, the most "accurate/realistic" speakers would accurately reproduce acoustic music as if it were playing right in front of you, and also human voices as if they were talking directly to you. I guess that is my gauge by which speakers and audio systems should be judged. I know there are a ton of "accurate" reproductions, but I have never heard anything even close to the realism, super deep bass by the acoustic bass, and slam of the snare and cymbals. Have you heard any speaker truly close to this? As an over analytical audio nerd, instead of truly enjoying this great music, I could not help but think about the system that would come even close to that realism, deep bass, and gritty fast sound. I guess the closest I have heard has been Wilson Audios, but even those were not truly accurate reproductions. I have also heard that Quad planars and ATC powered speakers do a pretty amazing job.

Please opine!

Showing 1 response by dogmcd

To the OP's opening question.... don't know if you can actually define a "best". Line up every audio nerd that is an A'Gon member and you'll get as many different answers as there are people on that list. What sounds correct and accurate to you, in your home is what counts. I do think there are some things that will help in the quest, however...

1. Don't spend too much time listening to reviewers and pundits. Their perspective is skewed and they generally don't listen long enough to a given model to get a true representation of performance (although I do believe there are a handful that are pretty good, the aforementioned REG being one of them). If you want a benchmark amongst professional reviewers, find out what they've actually purchased. Not what they have on loan, not what they'd "buy if they could", but what they've actually put their hard earned money into.

2. Define what's important to you. Tonal and timbral accuracy, bass response, dynamics, imaging, whatever it may be. Realize that NO loudspeaker is perfect (despite what we're led to believe by the press and the slick marketing of mega-buck manufacturers). If you do find a six figure (or even 7 figure!) loudspeaker that tickles your fancy, by all means, buy it! But, I'd venture to guess you'll find what you're really looking for at a much more reasonable price.

3. Take your time. Seek out every opportunity to hear a speaker you're interested in, preferably in your own home or at the very least an environment that you're extremely familiar with. And be careful; you may hear something "different" and be initially wowed by it, but it may not really be something better or more accurate.

4. Keep listening to all the live music you can. As a matter of fact, you'll generally get more for your money doing that than you ever will from any form of electronic reproduction, no matter how far up the audiophile tweak-o-meter you wish to rise. And when you do listen to live music, remember that you'll get just as many opinions about the sound and performance qualities of a particular performance as you do about loudspeakers. Ever read reviews after an opera or a symphony? It's our nature to critique...!

Lastly, being the good audio twerp that I am, I will throw out my opinion on a speaker: Acoustic Zen. In my opinion (and remember, I said opinion....), nothing else has ever come close. The Adagio is probably the best speaker for the dollar spent that's ever been built. If you can afford the Crescendo, so much the better. In any case, Robert Lee's (Robert is a musician himself...) creations are without peer in my book, and properly set up have come closer to the ideal of any I've had or heard (and that's a lot).

Enjoy the journey, and happy listening!