Most pleasing sound vs most hifi sound

Hi folks, I came to the conclusion that in fact I love the sound that is emanating from car audio. While driving I'm enjoying a live broadcast of an opera through the car audio and sometimes I think it is even better than the home audio system. I'm an audiophile who ownes a serious rig but everytime I'm listening to a system or attending some hi end demo the most pleasing sound to my ears is the one that is reminiscent of the car audio sound, of course with the usual high end characteristics as palpability, resolution, midrange liquidity, impact/slam, soundstage and treble smoothness. Does this sound ridiculous? Am I starting to have some hearing impairment?


Showing 3 responses by rodman99999

I get the same pleasure out of the exhaust note of my Harley as I get from car audio(well- maybe more, since it IS the sound of freedom). My concentration is definately elsewhere. When in front of my home systems: It's all about the music, and listening into it. In those hours- I'm relaxed and that's my only focus.
Abucktwoeighty- You should feel sorry for those bikers. Generally speaking: The louder the pipes and the longer the front-end, the shorter the penis(it's a way of compensating). My neighborhood has it's share of noise too. I've installed 1/4" Lexan over my listening room's windows, which blocked about 80% of it. I listen at fairly stout SPLs too, which takes me to more pleasant places. What gets on my nerves are those little scooters without baffles that take 15 minutes to drag their sorry butts out of hearing range at full throttle. OH- I've always had dragpipes on my bikes too, but with partial baffles(nothing to compensate for).
And he probably still rides his bike the 100yds to the bar, so everyone will know he has a Harley and not just a T-shirt. YEP- There are a lot of noisy-but-can't-get-out-of-their-own-way vehicles out there. Then there are the ones with a couple 18" woofers and 2000WPC in their trunks, rattling everyone's windows(welcome to the ghetto). Sure do miss the country home/huge soundroom I couldn't hold onto because of a divorce. More unfortunate feedback from a biker lifestyle.