Most overrated bands

What are some examples of seriously overrated bands? My candidates are

1. Led Zeppelin
2. Velvet Underground
3. U2
4. Ramones
5. The Who

Showing 4 responses by cd318

I welcome the arrival of singularity, it can't come fast enough. The human race is reaching its sell by date.

But in the meantime I think that whilst Radiohead are a good band - a few good songs (No Surprises, Everything In Its Right Place etc) - their albums are vastly overrated. Kid A is the only one I can bear to listen to right through, and that's because of the muted vocals.
<kosst_emojan> The Beatles? 3 different musical phases, early, mid, and late and 4 different vocalists! That's a lot of band to not like. 

I get that pain in my ears every time an Adelle song is played. They were playing one in Asda (Walmart) last year and I would have collapsed if it wasn't for the shopping trolley.
<tomcarr> I think Classical music (Opera included if it's in a different language) is so popular is because its near impossible to think, study or follow a line of thought whilst vocal music is being played. Non- vocal is a non intrusive pleasure - see 6 hour plus YouTube guitar music videos etc. Perfect background / subliminal music.

I find that whilst driving I prefer stations with the least speech content. Great presenters are few and far between here in the UK.

<soma70> Thanks for that. I'll check it out now that I've finally got a digital radio. Still limited to FM in my car, ridiculously difficult to change CD/Radios in a Honda hatchback.

If on the PC then its boxing channels on YouTube, Analogue Planet, Daily Audiophile, Bombards Body Language, Steve Hoffmans music forum. Don't listen to music on PC, too much fan noise etc.

Anyone opening for Dylan would do well to do a few covers! Richest musical vein in music. Don't mention Adele. Anyone could have had a hit with that.