Most overrated audio manufacturers?


Showing 5 responses by scvan

So, because his company is successful, the products must be a poor value? I learn something new here every day.

I think that is not the point. I think he is saying that PS is resting on their laurels. Terms like "prefectwave" are disingenuous because there is nothing perfect, ever.

I have no problem with people making money, but crazy claims and unbelievable profit margins exist in this arena, and it is not good for anyone except the people making the money.
I'm not against people making money, but what I dislike are crazy claims, high prices and no engineering justification for it.
I'm reminded of the ML HQD as a prime example of this. A $28000 speaker system in 1984 that measured poorly and sounded even worse according to Stereophile. However the designer made big claims and apparently tried to mislead the reviewer and was caught. Unfortunately this type of stuff goes on in the age where it is even easier to verify things.
Some equipment clearly justifies it cost from an engineering standpoint, exotic materials, superb manufacturing, etc. Of course all that money being spent doesn't necessarily mean you have a better product, it just meant you bought a more expensive product.
I could sell you a Camry for $25000 or I could put another label on it, coat it in gold, sell it for $100k and say it is a better car, but is it?
I suppose my previous message was primarily focused on Mark Levinson the man. He is the most overrated thing in audio and probably did a huge disservice to the hi-end community. He may have single handedly created the voodoo market. His ridiculously priced 4 quad speaker system, amps that were interesting (not always in a good way), but got much better once Harman bought the brand. Then came Cello. And finally his masterpiece Red Rose which was relabeled Chinese hi-fi for multiples times the price.
He felt his name was worth money and not the product. He has lived his whole life that way. However, he may be ashamed of it because there is no mention of any audio related stuff on his wikipedia page which I'm sure he has edited to make sure people forget his past.

Do you really think Oppo is overrated? It does get a lot of great press, but dollar for dollar it is probably the best deal in audio. My Oppo relegated my Esoteric DV to spare bedroom status.
I've disagreed with Atma-sphere on here about some things, but even his low power amp can easily drive way more than 5% of speakers. Probably well more than 95%.
Go to Japan and see how everyone loves SET amps, and they are using them on similar speakers as here. Most people don't listen to music at peak SPL of 100+db. Try 85-90 at most.
The wattage race of the 70's was overrated in the amps and it still is.

Anyone want to admit the regularly use 200 watts of power? If so how huge is your room 400m^2 or bigger?