Most musical player or DAC?

Forgive up front if there is other(s) threads on this. Thanks in advance for posting links if you know of them. I'm looking for a "musical" CD player or DAC. I've been through 4 cd players so far, they were all nice in some respects, but none have really grabbed me by the heartstrings (or lapels) and stopped me in my tracks with musicality. Don't know if I should be looking for a tubed variety or not. All I know is I want something that moves me. A very 3D soundstage, unbelievable midrange, good extension at the extremes. I would rather have romantic over detailed and analytical, but transparency and a sense of air would I think be also in the mix. Nothing laid back either, I want something that engages.

My listening tastes are rock, Soul, acoustic w/vocals (male/female), blues, R&B, a bit of electronica.

Any thoughts and experiences are appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by hens

If you can barely hear the difference between a $3k+ CD player and a $40 PS 1, then I'm not sure you'll get value out of changing the CD player or getting a new DAC. If you are fixed on this idea, then I would take a look at one of the many NOS DACs out there. I have had great experience with the Audio Note DAC One Signature which is one of the lower models - extremely musical.
Fair enough Tholt! I've not heard a PS 1 - I have a PS-2 and it sounds only average to me - nowhere in the league of even an older Arcam Alpha 7SE player. Perhaps the PS-2 was not as good sonically as the PS-1, which is entirely possible. Good luck with your search.