Most involving and thrilling moviemusic?

The more tips the more I will have to buy....

Showing 5 responses by biomimetic

Michael Mann's "Thief" soundtrack by Tangerine Dream is a much overlooked one, and their other film score for "Legend" is equally good. "Alien 3". But my pick for all time greatest original soundtrack is surprisingly "To Live and Die In LA" by of all bands Wang Chung!?!? I also like the totally ridiculous score for Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange". "Repo Man" is also a great album with much of the great and nearly lost music of the Plugz. "Bird" with the all-star line up for recreating Parker's live sets, and "'Round Midnight" aren't half bad either.
I had kind of randomly clicked through this list - it's so funny someone else picked "To Live and Die In LA".

"Jackie Brown" as well on the Tarantino front. "Empire of the Sun", even though generally I hate John Williams, is a totally different soundtrack. Two more great eighties soundtracks for that retro party thing: "Valley Girl" and "Pretty and Pink".
My favorite Philip Glass soundtrack is "Mishima". Everyone always says "The Mission" but "Killing Fields" (same director) is just as good. I think it's that it's so understated. Another one you wouldn't suspect: "Crazy/Beautiful".
For all of the Lynch films for that matter. Or as Frank Black would say:

Got wasted, erased head
Strange but true, two recent ones: Tokyo Drift which includes the 5678's, Shonnen Knife and Pizzacato Five among others and also Smokin' Aces in the Tarantino vein.

Duane, Buffalo 66 ROCKS. As does the soundtrack.