Most hyped turntable, tonearm, and cartridge?

Which turntable, tonearm, and cartridge do you think are most hyped?

One of my friends who owns Garrard 301, Thorens 124 and EMT ?? told me that those three vintage turntables are as good as one can get for the price points, beating most modern turntables costing under $10K. However, I've also read that Garrard 301 is over hyped.
My friend also insists that Ortofon RMG 309 tonearm and the original SPU Silver Meister (not MKii) are best for Garrard and Thorens. I wonder whether the Ortofon arm and SPU cartridge are over rated. 
Your thought?

Showing 6 responses by ihcho

I recently saw a new Garrard 301 (at $20K) and a new Thorens TD 124 (at $15K) . I thought the only reason why they decided to remake the vintage models at that hefty price is that there are demands. If there are such demands but if they are not as good as contemporary tables at the same price point, they must be hyped.
Garrard and Thorens may be over hyped and as mijostyn suggested, those vintages are not as good as many people think. It appears that LP12 is hyped too. I myself one time thought LP12 was one of the best tables ever made even tough it is hard to setup correctly.
I'd like to hear what other models are over hyped.
Thanks for your reply.
Its not hype. Its in our blood.
That may be true. A good analogy with Porsche 911. I’ve never driven 911, but I had a chance to sit on the passenger seat in mid 90s. The driver showed off a little bit (?), and I still cannot forget the exciting feeling I had.
Thanks for your notice.
You are right. I was not deliberately trolling, but I understand that it could be taken as trolling.
Why did I ask? I was interested in hearing people’s opinion, not so much of fact (like measurement data on noise, hum, wow, flutter, ...). However, opinion can be very biased, and without supported fact it could end up into pointless argument. Anyway, a good portion of high end audio is based on hype and personal and subjective opinion, and asking whether something is hype or not may be pointless as you suggested. Hope that my question would not fall into pointless argument. So far, I like all the postings. Learned something new too.

Here’s my story (please skip it if you are not interested in hearing about it, and it might digress to other direction).
I had Thorens 124 and Garrard 301, and sold Thorens because it was too much to keep both, and I liked Garrard more. I’ve had Garrard over 8 years. My Garrard is with Ortofon RMG 309 + SPU Gold/Silver and Ortofon RS 212 + SPU mono (dual arms). I don’t hear much hum or noise. It sound just nice. I like this setup a lot. Better than my other setup (Clearaudio Bluemotion + AT150mlx, Ortofoc MC20, SL15, ..., Denon 103R). However, at over three times price tag. My Clearaudio is for B rated albums and Garrard is for A rated albums.

Then I saw new Thorens and Garrard selling at $15K and $20K. The high price tag must be due to the popularity of the vintage models and strong following. The popularity may be due to their true superb performance or possibly due to hype or nostalgia, or something to do with cult level status.
I was not interested in Technics DD turntables and I did not know how good they were, but I pretty much ignored them and lumped them into cheap Japanese turntable category. But I recently saw a lot of people using new 1200GR at under $2K, and most users seemed to be just happy about it. I wonder how many happy Technics DD users compared their setup with vintage/new Garrard/Thorens with SPU. I might try it by myself. If Technics 1200GR with SPU (with additional counter weight) sounds just as good and I don’t hear much difference, I can sell my Garrard. So, in that sense, lewm, you were not right.
Apologies for my ignorance on Technics DD turntables. I only knew that some of their high end models were good for DJ in dance club. Now I see that some of their high end models are as good as turntables can be. 

Thanks for your suggestion of  Denon DP80. However, if I ever buy a turntable again, I would go for a new one that requires minimal setting.
In that sense, I like my Clearaudio Bluemotion. The setup is so easy. The only downside is that I cannot install an SPU. I need at least two turntables, one for stereo and one for mono. Preferably three for two stereos. I have so many albums that do not deserve expensive cartridges.

I see two different schools of thoughts from turntables users: one who highly values vintage Thorens, Garrard, and EMT, and another who highly values DD turntables from Technics, Denon, and other Japanese companies. However, I have not heard yet from anybody who have had both about their cons and pros. Maybe those issues were discussed multiple times before, and I would not ask them again here.

I have one different question though, if I may. Which is a better table between entry level Clearaudio turntable (like Concept) or similarly priced Rega 6 and Technics SL-1200GR? I prefer the simplicity of Clearaudio and Rega, but if Technics is at least as good, and if it can be used with SPU cartridges (with additional counter weight), then I would go for Technics as my future turntable.  (Well, I've read that it is absurd to use SPU cartridges with SL-1200GR tonearm, but I've seen some people were happy with it.)

Again, thanks for all your posts.
Have you decided which turntable is most hyped? It’s always the one that the other guy likes, never your own.
Not quite. Probably I did not use a correct term. When I used 'hyped', I meant by something that is excessively advertised, overly reviewed, overly followed, and overly priced then what it really worth for whatever reason. Not much of misleading and false advertisement.
It appears that both those vintage tables and Japanese DD tables have very good reason for their following and high price. 
I somehow thought that the 301/309/SPU is at the level of holly grail in turntable community and the modern turntable technology has not surpassed the 70 year old technology. But the conclusion I reached from this thread is, it is not. Again, it was due to my ignorance, and I am happy to learn that. Apologies if I wasted your time, but I certainly appreciate your comment. 

He thought it should cost $40K instead of $20K. I kid you not. They were from Asia somewhere and were trying to impress their friends
Thx for response. I believe you. For some, what is important is how much they paid for. The more they pay, the less chance other people can afford, which will make them feel that they are something special. Like those who carry Gucci and Chanel bags. Yes, some of those super rich (not necessarily Asians but many other too) will think 20k is too little to spend for turntables and other audio gears for them to show off. Well, nothing wrong in the modern economy.