Most emotionally involving cables?

I'm auditioning various cables and recently heard the Audio Magic Excalibur II Interconnects and Speaker Cables. Detail, air, quiet, but what struck me most of all was how I immediately fell into the music. Now this isn't the most expensive cable, or the only one that can do this, I'm sure. I'd like to know what other cables have really pushed people into the music, whatever they're made out of.

Showing 1 response by mcne

My emotional well being is boosted by the fact that I have a cable that let's more of the music through and the price did not make me cry. For this, the Harmonic Technology Pro Silway interconnects and the same Pro 11n speaker cable have been satisfying. ( especially purchased used ) I also am fulfilled by the Sonic Horizon Skyline AC power cords which offer a lot for the money right from the manufacture. ( Your mileage may vary )
I guess that this mix is synergistic to my rig which make me happy. No, it makes me shine a fine blue glow from within as I float along the notes that stream out of my speakers, lifting me beyond the illusion that it is only my stereo and not the real experience. Okay, I am back. Good Day!