Most Effective Tweaks?

Wondering what generic tweaks people have tried that made the biggest difference?    Also interested in how much the tweaks cost to implement and the magnitude say from minimum of "marginal" to maximum of "transformational".

My top tweaks I can think of so far are

1) isolating speakers from versus coupling to floor when needed  (~$100, transformational)
2) Mu metal shield around low level  phono stepup transformer ($30, transformational noise reduction)
3) power cord upgrade (significant, ~$80)
4) acoustic panels (significant, $90)
5) power conditioner (significant, $100)
5) Physically moving components further apart from each other (NC, marginal)

Showing 2 responses by papermill

I'm unfamiliar with mu metal.
I have a bit of RH hum and have just come to expect it.
I currently have an Esoteric phono amp, but I've had the problem with various other phono amps with the exception of a Sutherland battery powered unit.
How would I shield with mu metal? What kind?
Any advice is very much appreciated. Good thread.
Thanks for the details!
This has been an ongoing issue for me for years. It's managable but creeps into audibility at higher volumes. I've chased it with ICs, power cords, rack placement, "cheater plugs", medium output cartridges, etc. I think the hum is associated with the placement of my rack in the room (in front of an ornamental fireplace with the furnace/boiler directly below in the basement) and I have no options to move the entire rig. I have the system on a dedicated line also. So seeing your post, I was wondering if the mu metal might be wrapped around my already shielded ICs or some other placement around the rack, or even in the basement.....
Might be worth the experiment.
Thanks again!
PS: I know there are many Audiogon forums on RF.