most analog sounding CDP

What CDP would have the smoothest,most fatigue-free analog sound?

Showing 1 response by nighthawk

Meridian G08. Fatigue-free without losing dynamics or detail, which is tough to do. Great 3D soundstage. A very musical player. I've had mine about 6 months. It took about 3 months to break in (300 hours est.). More people should hear this thing - it's quite good.

Also it's a completely non-finicky player. It's tracked everything I've tried, doesn't clip off the first second or two of some tracks like some players do, no power-on or off noises, has a very quiet transport, and is built extremely solidly. The remote is a bit over-the-top but it is well made. In any case, you could replace it with a learning remote if you wanted to.

I searched for a long time for a CD player and heard most of the top contenders. The G08 holds its own with the best out there and is reasonably priced for the sound and build quality you get.