Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?

Showing 2 responses by waldhorner3fc4

Khrys; I have to agree re anything Kenny G. Thanks to your second sentence, I almost fell off my chair. Not since Clinton's testimony have I laughed so hard.(I think).
A question too difficult to answer. But I'll list a few: Middle and Late Beethoven quartets; Mahler and Bruckner adagios (adagietos); Wagner Tristan and Isolde; Schubert and Brahms Lieder; Sibelius 6 and 7, certainly the Barber adagio; Sibelius and Bruch vln. concerto; Brahms vln and clarinet sonatas; Dvorak cello con.; Brahms Requiem; Ravel and Debussy quartets; Bach cello suites; Bach violin sonatas & Partitas; Mozart Sinfonia concertante; and much much more. Also; many film scores and a number of popular songs. Picking only three would be too great a sin of omission.