Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?

Showing 6 responses by nilthepill

I also enjoy a lot of classical pieces mentioned above. But let me go aginst the grain here. I think 'the future sound of london's work notably ' life forms' and ' dead cities( later part)'are the electronic music's classical equals. Full of intricate melodies that touches your heart. There are other albums before these two, which are good but nothing like the two mentioned. I say these two are going in to the history as late 2000 electronic classicals.
Aphex twins latest ' druqks' has some of the most beautiful music in electronic music ( and some worst) but the achingly beautiful material makes it worth while. A lot more than worth while.
My recent find IDM " The kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble"
Modern Jazz sound form Nostalgia 77's " The Garden" and " Songs for my Funeral"
Jesse Sykes ' " Reckless Burning" and " Oh my girl" . Try to get Vinyl. Oh my my !!
Electronic (some acoustic instruments. Two Clarinet tracks are to die for)music genre: Felix Laband's "Dark days exit" . Better yet get on Vinyl. Absolutely beautiful music. You won't regret it.