Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?

Showing 1 response by cogito

I have always admired the world of Bach. Unaccompanied Violin Sonatas and Partitas along with Unaccompanied Cello suites move me without failure. Elgar's Cello Concerto is a nice piece. Sarasate's Ziegnerweisen performed by Heifetz should be heard -- only Heifetz, unlike other violinists who have tried the piece, has technical mastery to pull you into the music, sustain the tension, and ultimately drain your emotion like no other (Grumiaux recorded a fine one in an intimate setting with piano, albeit not as dramatic). Mahler's 9th. Debussy's piano pieces. On and on. For heavy metal fans, try Stargazer by Rainbow. Rainbow Eyes by Rainbow will make your ladies happy or put them in mood though a bit cheezy like their later albums. For melodic electric guitar instrumentals, Santana. For acoustic guitar, Strunz and Farah. For fun, any Deep purple MKII albums excluding the reunion albums after Perfect Stranger -- yes, I am a fan of Richie Blackmore. Any old time Chicago Blues.