Moscode Minuet in "A" tubes

Does anyone out there know which tubes are for the line stage and which tubes are for the phono? The "A" uses two 12AX7's and two 6DJ8's, but I can't remember which tube type is for what. I know the basic Minuet (not the Minuet in "A") uses four 12AX7's so I'm assuming the upgraded "A" uses the 6DJ8's in the line section, but you know what they say about assuming . . .


Showing 1 response by martinic

The Minuet in A uses the same as the Minuet--at least in mine (i have both of them). That is, 12AX7 in Phono (pair) and 6DJ8 in Line (pair).

BTW these are very forgiving preamps for tube selection; the cheapest Sovtek 6922s work really good in the line for example.

Enjoy you "A"--it's a sweet unit. Sure, others perform better, but for some reason, i find myself listening to more music with the 'A' in the system then i do with other, more expensive and "better" preamps. Cheers.
