Moscode 402au vs Butler TDB2250 vs McIntosh MC275

I am using a McIntosh MC275 with an Aesthetix Calypso preamplifier and Sehring 703 speakers (86dB at 8 ohms). The Mac has great mid-range timbre, detail, and high end extension, but the bass and soundstage width could be better. I primarily am a fan of rock music, but find I mainly listen to more laid back music (Norah Jones, Feist) with the Mac because hard rock doesn't sound all that convincing. So I am looking to buy either the Moscode 402au or the Butler TDB2250 to replace the Mac, having read good comments about both hybrids, hoping for better bass and soundstage without sacrificing too much mid-range warmth.

OK, long preamble over...has anyone compared the MC275 to the Moscode or Butler? Any thoughts or advice?

Showing 3 responses by blindjim

I’m curious too…. Tvad once had a 401 Moscode, I believe. He might chime in on what he liked or disliked about it…

I have a TDB 5150. I use it as a 2ch amp now and then. I like what it does overall. I even thought about getting the TDB 2250. The Butler hybrid amps offer a good deal of bass on my Sonata IIIs in a closed off 2400 cu ft room approximately. I really do not need to use my sub, though often I will…. As it’s my preff. Though it’s actually not in fact prerequsite.

I will say from a “Gee I sure do like flexiblity” stand point, the MosCode amp always looked good to me on paper given the ability for user tube rolling.

The Butler doesn’t allow for any user tube replacements, even though it uses one in each amp, though not for gain purposes. They also need to be biased by Mr. Butler. So with the Butler it’s pretty much a what you see is what you get…. Akin to an SS amp.

The Butlers however are cost effective…. Or not terribly pricey… except the one he makes using the 300b tubes.

It’s an easy amp to listen to, own, and operate. Rock steady performance, and not pricey. It should mate with your Calypso easily. It will rock too. Your current tube setup in your preamp and the power cord on the amp should enable you a very quick, fast feel, for R&R music. I play a little Def Lep, ZZ Top, and so forth thru mine. No probs.

It comes down to what you really want/need. Flexibility? Hands off operation? Your tastes, and budget.


Honestly. inproving upon the transparency control, and dynamics of the MC 275 is easily done by going with The Butler TDB 2250, or better yet, the Dodd 120wpc mono blocks like the MK II's or later. both are more affordable than the new Moscodes. Both IMHO outperform the MC 275.... I have a Mac dealer in town... and why I now own both Dodd and Butler amps instead of the MAc.

That said, I do really like their SS amps, 402 & especially the 602. I feel the 602 or 500 wpc monos are life time amps. Really no need to go anywhere from them... in SS of course.

It's good you are digging the Mac amp. And discovering various iso gizmos very well can & do contribute to altering the sonic product. A Nice amp stand or small tuned rack from someone like Sound anchor will still further elevate the audio presentation... or such was my own exp. I have both amp stands and a towering 6 level filled rack, from Sound Anchor. Couldn't be happier with either. Also a pr of tall speaker stands. All helped improve coherency and presentation imaging.