Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.

Just got a notice in my Email about this. Seems like the new design went into production in June. It does have me scratching my head a bit. I’m wondering if any Morrow Audio cable users (old or new design) have comments. The link will take you to the announcement that provides details on the new cable design including instructions for determining whether someone has received old or new design cables.


Showing 7 responses by 213runnin

I’ve purchased several MA cables over the last few years. The MA 1.1, MA3 and 5, the latter 2 ordered with the Eichmann bullets. I bought 2 pairs of the MA5 with the bullets, and they were not cheap. Now I hear that Morrow has scrapped the silver over copper design altogether, and claims the new all copper stuff is superior, and already has customer testimonials saying the same. What?

I’ve probably spent $1500 all in at Morrow because they said their cables were so good. With my current system I found my Morrow cables didn’t have the best synergy, and started buying Audioquest, the Sydney and Mackenzie.

I won’t be spending any more at Morrow.  
My M1 cables( traded in a year later) we’re not very impressive in my system.  Simply not keepers, and it was apparent that Morrow had them in the line up as a gateway drug, a cheap entrance into his products.

perhaps they do better with tube components.
Earlier in this thread I was somewhat disenchanted with what Morrow had done to their cable formula.  Since then I found that something was wrong with my aforementioned Audioquest Sydney IC's, and switched back to an all Morrow cable loom(except for power cables) and let it burn in for a while, as Morrows take a while to adjust.

Anyway, I had to admit that the sound was really really transparent with airy highs and depth.  Mind you, I'd upgraded at the pre since my previous post.  The Morrow ic's are 2 MA5 and 1 MA3, all old silver design.

I decided to upgrade the MA3, and just received the MA4 IC.  It needs some serious burn in first, so I'll update the thread in about a month.  I plan to cut the MA3 in half, and resolder to get double the conductors.
Morrow encourages using the correct direction, indicated by arrows or their label.  On cryogenics, I’m not sure they’ve announced a position, but I don’t think they treat their cables with this.

The Navy does that for good reason.  Many high end speaker brands use special wiring of one kind or another, in their speakers.  I believe Tannoy does Cryo and silver.  I find with the silver Morrow ic’s, if you move them around they sound off for a day or two.

Anyway, my new MA4 is breaking in and is around the 75 hour mark.  I’m afraid I’ve employed them with a receiver, so the sound isn’t exactly superlative for music.  
Okay, so I've got close to 200 hours on the MA4's and have put them in the 2 channel rig on my Nad C565BEE cd player.  I immediately noticed a superior presentation over the cables they replaced, the old generation MA3, and both have the same Eichmann silver bullet style rca plugs.  

I'm impressed as I was wondering how much difference the new design would make.  With available discount the new cable didn't cost much more than the old MA3, but has 3 x the solid core conductors.  I think you get more for your money now than you used to conductor wise.
I’ve never tried their speaker cables, these days I have Audioquest Rocket 44’s that I got for about 65% off. Please report back, Kimber makes a pretty nice cable.

Morrow's practice of sale pricing can be a bit off putting, I assume it's a type of market strategy to increase sales.  Schiit has the opposite approach, here's our price and if you don't like it, too bad.  I think most of the major cable manufacturers are pretty much the same.  

60%?! I got only 40% off but I ordered them 40% too long to compensate. I was not born yesterday, sir!!

Okay, I better explain.  That was just a lame attempt at humor.  The discount applies to the price not the length, for anyone born yesterday, or in Rio Linda.