Morrow Audio Cables


I just purchased some cables from Morrow and wanted to post my opinion. Up until now I've switched in and out of speaker cables (nothing expensive, 200-400 dollars) and would hear a difference, but not so much better or worse - just different.

I was pretty skeptical but wanted to make sure I was getting the most out of my systems, so I gave them a shot.

My main system is an Anthem 225i, Musical Fidelity A5.5 CD player, and Usher CP 6311 speakers. I bought Ma4 interconnects and Sp4 speaker cables. The cables made my system come alive. Before now I was missing a fair amount of midrange apparently. Highs are beautiful but not harsh, lows seem rock solid. Before now I felt I was compromising with cables, music seemed clear but thin, or rich but a little veiled. Hope that makes sense. I'm not the scientific type, so I'm unsure if the interconnects or speaker cables made the difference. But I know this, I'm not screwing with it to find out.

I also bought 5 Ma1 interconnects to place between my adcom prepro and 5 channel Adcom amp. My Monitor Audio speakers sound awesome. I've never had as much seperation in my setup, especially in my rear channels. Being 53, I have been struggling with dialog from my center- now that I have switched to the Morrow, clarity is awesome and no issues with dialog.

The guys at Morrow were nice and did what they said. Morrow has a pretty good return policy, and are easy to work with. Hope this helps someone looking for cables. (I have no affiliation with Morrow, FYI.)

In my case it was a great investment.

Showing 5 responses by wig

The MA1 IC are their entry level cable and from what you are experiencing, they are Not totally burned-in; typically 300+ hours...

If you're looking for a cable that does everything very well, I have a pair of 1.5M Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper IC.

Morrow cables are good cables and sound very good but don't have the low end extension... Give them more time and they'll settle in nicely...

Thanks for your kind words, got my system tailored to what I like and it's pretty amazing.

I owned both SP6 and MA6 cables about three years ago and Morrow bettered every cable that I owned or demoed until I heard the Clarity Organic line and was very impressed. It was very obvious that SP/MA6's didn't have the texture or low end grunt of the Clarity and they were well burned-in with over 600+ hours on designer cooker and Audiodharma cable cooker as well and many hours on my components.

I'm using Thales cables now and for the price Acoustic Zen cables are phenomenal, the Absolute Copper IC and Hologram II SC...
I have a DA4 that I'm not using and it's the same standard as his other cables

I've owned the DA4 1.5M cables and it's quite good for the price but Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper Digital is superior in low level detail, sound-stage width/depth, body, clarity and overall sound quality.

Try it in your system to see which you prefer.