More subs. What do ya say?

I am yet again building a custom sub system (my 8th I think!!!) and I am curious as to what the rest of you nail-bending, do-it-yourselfers have come up with for designs and ideas. I have a few ideas but am always looking for more. This system will need to excell in EXTENSION, DEEP-BASS, LOWEST OF THE LOW frequency response. Powered by Cinepro amps (600wpc). I know you all have some secrets, wanna share some? You can email me directly if you need privacy. THANKS!!!!!!!!
I just got my Stryke HE-15 with two 18 inch Passive Rads up and running. Its in a four cu foot box, double 3/4 inch multiply birch (1.5 inch walls). Yes its a heavy sucker.
Stryke sez this alignment is good to 18 Hz.

My other woofer is a 18 inch Northcreek in a sealed 7.5 cu box. Its good to about 32 Hz but I push its response down to ~24 Hz electronically with a "Basis."

I run the Northcreek from a active crossover and the Stryke from the subwoofer outs on the Pre/pro. This way I can listen to music in 2 channel pass through mode and bring in the Stryke in movie mode.

Saving Private Ryan is a new movie again...
mish, what does the Stryke use as an active driver ? I know that you mentioned that it has two 18" passives, but never saw what was actually hooked up to the amp ???

As to the 18" Northcreek, what is the Q of this system ? How do you like the Marchand Basis ? Sean
Sean, Go to, mish is using the HE 15 woofer. specs are on the site. HTH