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Well my 2 dedicated lines are installed.I believe a number 12 wire(s) direct from the panel to 2 Pass and Seymour 20 amp isolated ground outlets(no wire connectors)Two seperate lines going to 2 outlets.My question is: I have read alot of positive things about plugging your amplifier directly into the outlet.I am concerned about not surge protecting my amp,but I want the best performance also.The rest of my system is plugged into a Monster Cable HTS 5000(I have a seperate 2 channel system-amp,dac,cd)and my home theatre system(reciever,dvd,5 channel amp) I would appreciate some advice on how to configure this.I have 3 outlets I can utilize.2 are dedicated,and 1 is just a normal outlet(15 amp) Like always I appreciate everyones input. PS-I was kind of shocked(no pun intended)how tight the Pass and Seymour outlets were when I plugged in my amp.That is one tight fit. Thank you-from the dog who can't afford Krell.
I have had the same concerns. DO NOT USE YOU AMPS WITH THE MONSTER! you will lose the benefit of what you just finished installing plus some. There are some ways to get high quality surge protection but they are costly. There have been a few discussions here regarding surge protection that you might look up. Some folks have had the power company provide surge protection at the source of entry, this seems to be the best idea. These units have no MOV's (metal oxide varistors) that break down. Most home surge protection use these and there is no way to know when they have lost there ability to suppress. There are a few power conditioners that provide protection without MOV's, the one I'm testing is the SMART GC-120.
If you live in an urban setting with industry near buy this might be something you need. If your in the 'burbs your power is more stable and the issue is lightning (lightning can cause havoc in any power grid and from a long way away). I simply un-plug my system when storms are forecasted. This is the best protection made.
If you want to verify how your power is performing hook a meter up to the outlet and watch it for a few days. Does the power fluctuate? Mine is always 117.5 no matter when I've checked.
Good post JD-- I agree. I also face this dilemma and discussed it at length with Steve McCormack and his advice was to plug amps (especially) directly into the wall outlet, and unplug them during electrical storms. But my amp (DNA2 Rev. A) is a 300/600/1200 wpc into 8, 4, and 2 Ohms, and can potentially source a LOT of current. I have a dedicated AC system, good outlets, and high quality power cords-- each of these is important to best sound. I do use a Monster surge protector in my "sort of" HT system. Good Luck. Craig
i plug everything directly into dedicated 20 amp circuits with hubbell/ps outlets. (i also use aftermarket pc's on my amp and pre/dac.) i've auditioned several "power conditioners," power regenerators," "surge protectors" and "black boxes" (e.g., the hydra). all such devices i've tried thus far degraded the sound of my system, typically by screwin' up the PRaT. my protection from lightening strikes is a $0 deductable, replacement cost homeowners' insurance policy, with items worth >$10k separately scheduled. -cfb
A surge protector supposedly will degrade the sonics of your equipment.

I've gone to great lengths with my electrical tweaks and all tweaks have made a substantial difference sonically in the micro- and macro-dyanamic regions.

Several years ago I had the Electric Co. install a whole-house surge protection gizmo at the meter at $5 per month. What has it done sonically? I have no idea since my current system was purchased after that install.

The electric company will reimburse up to $10k should lightning destroy any electrical component or appliance.

In the end $10k is not much but it sure beats a stick in the eye. My house is 42 years old so most wiring is non-grounded anyway.

And yes, if I hear a storm is coming my way, I unplug everything associated with my gear.
