Educate me, please. I thought that many amps increase in output as a logarithmic function, not linear. As input power from the pre is "amplified" that each step in volume is not linear but a function of the amps total output power? ie turning a pre-amp up 1/2 way will not necessarily utilize 1/2 of the amplifier's output capability.
Even if we look at this as a linear function, 1/2 volume on the pre amp would be 1/2 of the amps output capability. Therefor, 1/2 volume for a 100 watt amp will be 50 watts and 1/2 volume on a 240 watt amp is 120 watts. That's about a 4-5 db imbalance?
Thanks (no I'm not an engineer and yes, that's part of my problem...)