More power for moderate listening levels?


I can't seem to find good information regarding the effect of relatively high powered amps on low to moderate listening levels. I have a low powered class A amp that sounds wonderful at moderate volumes but not surprisingly shows signs of strain when cranked up. I am contemplating an upgrade that would bring much more power to solve this problem. However, since I don't play music really loud that often I'm wondering if the upgrade is really all that necessary. It would be worth it if the reserve power of the new amplifier improved sound quality at all levels.     

Thanks for your help,


Showing 2 responses by mijostyn

@ieales, it would not be polite to tell you what I think of Tekton loudspeakers. 
I am pretty sure most speakers are destroyed not by raw power but by clipping. Certainly you could just plain overpower a driver but most people do not have that kind of power. 
I am not an electronics engineer but my JC 1's biased for 25 watts class A get hot enough that you can not keep a hand on the heat sink. That has got to be a lot more than a few mV bias. 
Who in their right mind would put a class A amp in a rack? Even millercarbon would not do that:)
Brian, I think you answered your own question. If you are straining at times you either need more power, more efficient speakers or add subwoofers and a 2 way crossover. 
I am of the camp that there is no such thing as too much power. XA100.8s would be the minimum IMHO. For that money I would get JC1+'s. Good high powered amps have an effortlessness missing in smaller amps(unless you have very efficient speakers.) Before you notice the harshness the amp is already clipping on transients "stressing the sound."  I tend to go for speakers on the less efficient side, 89dB or so and would never consider an amp less than 200 watts. I also have a tendency to gravitate towards class A amplifiers and I also use subwoofers crossed at 125dB which increases the headroom of my system 10 dB. With all this I can get 110 dB out of ESLs. More than enough to give you a headache. 
With your system I would (and this is me) get a Trinnov Amethyst preamp, XA 100.8's and at least two passive subs. With the Harbeths this would give you a SOTA point source system for sure which should do an easy 105 dB probably more. It would be totally effortless at lower levels and for sure put a big smile on your face whenever you light it up.
