More power for moderate listening levels?


I can't seem to find good information regarding the effect of relatively high powered amps on low to moderate listening levels. I have a low powered class A amp that sounds wonderful at moderate volumes but not surprisingly shows signs of strain when cranked up. I am contemplating an upgrade that would bring much more power to solve this problem. However, since I don't play music really loud that often I'm wondering if the upgrade is really all that necessary. It would be worth it if the reserve power of the new amplifier improved sound quality at all levels.     

Thanks for your help,


Showing 1 response by joey54

I owned the Harbeth SHL5+ for many years and they sound great at moderate volume as well as loud volume. I bought the Harbeth's because I sold my house and they played well at lower volumes unlike the Vandersteen Quatro's I had before.

I successfully used an Ayre AX-7e in combination with an Ayre Codex and in my 15 x 21 x 9 room I could not crank the volume loud enough to cause any distortion. The Ayre is only 60 watts and still drove the SHL5+ well. I upgraded to the Aesthetix Mimas integrated, which puts out 150 watts a channel, and that was even better. So I am not sure that more power is the answer you are looking for. Alan Shaw says that any 100 watt+ amp should work on any of his speakers. I would suggest trying a few different amps to see what works best with the Harbeth's in your room.

I did try the Pass 250.5 amplifier along with the Audio Research LS26 preamp and I did not like it with the Harbeth's. Nothing against Pass, just not my cup of tea. Sounded great with my Quatro's though.

Good Luck!