More Old Timers Required

A recent post mentioned a Crown 800 ? reel to reel machine as a possible way to archive LPs. Does anyone have an experience with reel to reel machines? What is the short list of definitive high end, audiophile reel to reel decks? Are these things around and for sale? Would they sound divine or am I just being sentimental and impractical as I yearn for the pre digital golden days of audio?

Showing 1 response by tom_nice

I've used Ferrograph, Technics and Revox tape decks, and still have a Revox B77, a beautiful piece of machinery and a joy to see in its smooth operation. BUT ... I've done much better at archiving LP's using a Sony ES75 DAT deck, played bck through a Genesis Digital Lens--pretty poor compared to CD's on its own, but the Lens lifts it to near-elite status as a source. I've seen Revox B77's for around $800 used, but if you can use a Genesis Digital Lens otherwise, the DAT approach is what I'd go for, as an old-timer who still wants to move with the times. Good luck with it.