I am looking to purchase 2 cd's byt he Moody Blues, Question of Balance and To Our Children's Children. I went to CD Universe website and they offer both each in three versions as follows:

1. remastered $8.19
2. Import $25.00
3. Japaneese Pressing $35.00

I called customer service asking about the sound quality.
In short, is the $25.00 ro $35.00 sound any better than the $8.00. The customer service person said she had no idea, except that some customers prefer the imports.
But she couldn't advise as to quiter services, better sound
etc. Can anybody offer my any guidance as to which of the
above sound better. PErsonal experience would be prefferred. Thank you.

Showing 1 response by arkio

'December' their 'quasi' christmas / (cool winter theme) album released a couple - 3 years ago has amazing sonics as well. I recently bought Octave - remastered CD with Hayward in the room...very impressive, much better then the original . Compares easily (sonically) to my vinyl copy.

Moodies have always been about the music and quality of sound. Good stuff