
Last night, listening before I went to bed, I was convinced there was something radically wrong with my system. Nothing sounded good.  This morning I decided to play something I was sure would sound good.  All of a sudden my mood picked up.  Now everything I heard after that was reference sound quality.

I wonder if anyone else has had that kind of mood swing from one day to the next.


Showing 3 responses by stuartk

If it's my mood, then typically, I'll end up playing multiple disc's without feeling gratified by any of them... and end up switching off the system.

Sometimes the system sounds especially good and I tend to assume it's associated with power, although I could be wrong.

Of course, if there's actually a problem like sibilance, which, as it happens,  I've so far failed to solve, listening will just trigger frustration. My workaround is limiting my listening to instrumental music.




 I embrace lubricants for a variety of enhancements in my life

Careful you don't slip and crash into a speaker or land face down on top of a hot tube amp! 


I don't want to hijack this thread so I will PM you.