
Last night, listening before I went to bed, I was convinced there was something radically wrong with my system. Nothing sounded good.  This morning I decided to play something I was sure would sound good.  All of a sudden my mood picked up.  Now everything I heard after that was reference sound quality.

I wonder if anyone else has had that kind of mood swing from one day to the next.


Showing 5 responses by mahgister

it is also my case. Well said.

My experience suggests that some systems might be more robust against the perceptual swings that some of us experience. Right now I feel that my system is in a robust state because I haven't had a bad sounding day since I set it up like this. It's been pleasing me consistently, and it also seems to get along with a wide variety of recordings. I've had this kind of setup before, and it seems to have something to do with creating a natural, tonal balance that's easy to accept and enjoy, but doesn't necessarily reach the zenith of ultra realism and detail that some recordings can offer.

Who said that music is like a condiment? I can think of ways it can be like a condiment. But then there's this guy who said interpretation is a condiment.


This dude is wrong! In music interpretation is the life of music.  No musician do it the same. Interpretation is the life of music not an added condiment.

He confuse music with a written sheet of paper.


I confirm that it is also  true for me...

Reason why i did all i could to correct acoustic ...

One thing that I’ve noticed is that if something sounds bad it can put me in a bad mood so that I don’t enjoy the following things I play.


Here you have a point! in my post above i had  supposed a relatively stable mood day to day in a stable personnality...

When i went  through a huge depression many years ago, the music and the way i heard it was not normal ...

In this sense then the OP is right and i am wrong ... 😊


No doubt changes in mood, health, etc. can affect one’s sense of hearing

The only times i feel or i felt so is when i perceived a problem with some acoustics speakers/room parameters...

Then i corrected it...

If after some times i am not in sound ectasy with the music so much it is because some acoustics parameters is not balanced with the others then i correct it...

( i suppose here gear synergy is there already which is starting point for sure but never enough by itself to optimize all acoustics parameters at play)

Tuning a system/room is a long process but very fun because you go from one level of satisfaction to a higher one till the potential limits of the specific gear quality level you own is reached...

Acoustics rules my mood not the reverse... 😊


i must say though that music experience and evaluation is dependant of my mood...

Some day i feel for this kind of music, some other day absolutely not...

Music rule my mood not the reverse ...😊


The 4 seasons of Vivaldi makes me happy , and Penderecki music for the victims of Hiroshima do not...

It is not my mood who decide the effect and the perception ... Then i pick the music convenient for my energy level this day and i decide where my attention must go ...